Captive Portal Parameter Capture

The Komodo Eye can script through most captive portals by passing (1) the submission URL and type, and (2) all parameters and values that the controller expects.

The easiest way of capturing this information is by using a laptop that can connect to the network with the captive portal. Ensure that the laptop is de-authenticated from the controller before beginning. Connect to the target network; when the captive portal appears, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C / Cmd + Shift + C (Mac) to pull up the developer tools. This works in both Firefox and Chrome. 

In the settings of the developer tools, be sure persistent logs is set, or logs are saved, depending on your browser. Then navigate through the captive portal just like your end users. Once you are authenticated, scroll through the pages that were captured to find the one directly after the portal was submitted, usually called login.html or similar. Click on the network tab and then on this page. You're looking for the Headers section. Find the Request URL, Request Method, and at the bottom of the page, the Parameter values. for Firefox instructions for Chrome instructions. 

With this information, navigate to the Komodo Dashboard, under Configuration -> SSIDs -> Edit the SSID with the captive portal. In the lower left section of the edit screen, enable the captive portal, and enter the information you just found using the developer tools. 

The Komodo Eye will simply parse and encode the values using a URLEncoder. If any of the values have non-ASCII characters, they will need to be URLEncoded when on the Komodo Dashboard. Use your favorite URLEncoder for this, or

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