Komodo Speed Test

The Komodo Speed Test is a sub-test that is run when a Komodo Eye Device tests an Wi-Fi SSID  or a wired network.  This sub-test uses the Curl utility to measure the network speed when the Komodo Eye Device downloads two separate files.  First, in order to simulate a user browsing the Internet, it downloads a small JPEG image file (about 30 KB).  Second, in order to simulate a user streaming, it downloads a larger JPEG image file (about 1 MB).  When this test measures, records, and reports slow Internet speeds it is typically caused by network latency.

This test simulates a user browsing the Internet.  The average image file size (JPEG and PNG) on a website, and the average size of other website content, is 30 KB or smaller.

This test also simulates a user streaming content over the Internet.  The quickest and most effective way to determine maximum streaming speeds in to downoad a 1 MB file while measuring the throughput obtained.

Please see HttpArchive for more details on website averages.

Please see Wikipedia for more details on the Curl utility.


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